Nous sommes là pour vous aider !

Notre foire aux questions est souvent le moyen le plus rapide d'obtenir l'aide dont vous avez besoin. Ils vous fourniront des réponses à un large éventail de questions.

Si vous ne trouvez pas la réponse que vous cherchez dans notre FAQ ou si vous avez besoin d'une assistance supplémentaire, pas de panique: notre équipe d'assistance clientèle est là pour vous aider.

Contactez notre équipe, en fournissant autant d'informations que possible, et un membre de l'équipe vous aidera.

  • Are the tickets nominative?
    No, the ticket shows the buyer's name but they are NOT named, they can be transferred.
  • I do not see any available seats on the website that I am interested in, are there any other availabilities?
    The availabilities are those displayed on the website, we do not know if and when there will be changes.
  • What does Season Ticket mean and what does it include?
    Season ticket provides access to all sessions of the tournament. No other formulas are provided.
  • Are there any discounts for children?
    Children up to one year old can enter without a ticket. No other concessions or discounts are provided.
  • Can children under the age of 14 enter alone into the stadium?
    In order to enter and stay inside the Venue children younger than 14 years can must be accompanied by an adult.
  • I will not use the purchased ticket, can I get a refund?
    Tickets are non-refundable, but since they are not named, they are transferable.
  • Can I enter even after the session has started?
    Yes, you can enter at any time, subject to game times.
  • Where can I find today's schedule?
    The order of play is posted on the official event website.
  • Which players will play the matches?
    The order of play is published the same day of the matches, the Captains of Nations have the right to change their choices. It is not possible to predict who will play and which day.
  • What time do the matches start?
    The timetable shown on the official program is valid.
  • How long does a match last?
    Unfortunately, it is not possible to predict the length of a tennis match.
  • If I leave the venue, can I re-enter?
    It is possible to get out of the arena by requiring (at the moment of exit) an exit ticket, which must be presented together with the original ticket to re-enter in the Unipol Arena.
  • What occurs in case of rain?
    Matches are played indoors, so the match will not be interrupted.
  • I cannot attend all the matches, can I give the ticket to another person who will see the ones I do not see?
    No, the ticket is valid for one access only.
  • The program has been changed, can I get a refund?
    The program may change and there is no refund of the ticket. The ticket is for the session and not for a specific match/player.
  • I arrived late, when I entered the match was almost over, is there a refund?
    There is no refund or a voucher for another purchase.
  • I am a FITP Member, how can I associate my member card to get the discount?
    Once the registration process has been completed, you need click on the "Associate FITP card" button.
  • My child is a minor and cannot register. How can he have the discount for FITP Members?
    The parent can register with their data and once the process is completed, you will be able to associate the child's FITP card with the account.
  • We are a group of FITP members, can we purchase tickets by taking advantage of the dedicated fare for us cumulatively?
    To take advantage of the reduced rate, it is necessary for each FITP member to register and buy their own tickets. In the event that the FITP member is a minor, the parent or guardian can register in his own name, however, associating the card and the tax code of the minor.

We reserve the right to respond to all requests within 3-5 business days. Please note that some requests may take longer.

Ticket Office

Email: ticketoffice.fitp@ticketone.it

Service d'assistance téléphonique dédié uniquement aux acheteurs en ligne du site officiel de l'étape italienne de la Coupe Davis

Téléphone : 0282900533 *

*Tous les opérateurs répondent depuis l'Italie, nous vous rappelons que le service est actif du lundi au vendredi de 10h00 à 13h00 et de 14h00 à 17h00.