Politique de confidentialité

Privacy Policy

pursuant to article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Federazione Italiana Tennis and Padel (“FITP”) wishes to inform you that pursuant to art. 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (the “European Regulation”), may process some personal data collected automatically or provided by you through the surfing or use of the www.italymajorpremierpadel.com website (the “Website”).

This Privacy Policy refers exclusively to the Website and does not refer to other websites and online services that may be reached through links included in the Website.


The Data Controller is FITP, based in (00135) Rome, Stadio Olimpico - Curva Nord - Ingresso 44 Scala G (the "Data Controller"). The Data Protection Officer can be reached at privacy@fitp.it or via PEC at dpo@pec.federtennis.it.


In order to enable you to use the Website and its services - including the possibility of accessing your reserved area, subscribing to our newsletter and purchasing the Gift Card (i.e. a voucher of a predetermined value associated with a code, which enables the purchase of tickets through the Website) as well as to purchase tickets valid to attend the sports event "BNL Italy Major Premier Padel" or, where possible, request a refund of the price the Data Controller needs to process some of your personal data, namely your first name, your last name, your date of birth and your email address. In addition, in order to ascertain the existence of the indispensable requirements for you to be able to use certain services (such as the access services to the sports event "BNL Italy Major Premier Padel" provided for the disabled), some data belonging to special categories, such as data relating to your health status, may be required. Finally, in the event that, once you have made the purchase of a Gift Card or ticket, you would like to request the issuance of an invoice or, where possible, a refund of the price, in addition to the personal data already entered for registration and purchase, we will also ask you for the following data: your social security number, your residential address, your telephone number and your bank and/or postal account details.

Navigation Data

The computer systems and software implemented on the Website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of communication protocols of the Internet.

This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the Website, the addresses in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s computer environment.

This data, necessary for the use of the Website, are processed only for the purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of the services (most frequently visited pages, number of visitors per time slot or daily, geographical area of origin etc.) and to verify the correct functioning of the offered services.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

The creation of your reserved area, the subscription to our newsletter and the purchase of Gift Cards and/or tickets through the Website, entail the acquisition of your first name, your last name, your date of birth, your email address, and, in the case of the purchase of Gift Cards or tickets, the data listed in paragraph 2 above. In addition, the Data Controller may become aware of any other personal data included in the message or in the fields to be completed in case of purchase.

The Data Controller exclusively holds those personal data provided by you while surfing on the Website and using its services. The legal basis for processing is legitimate interest and compliance with legal obligations for browsing the Web Site, your consent for contacting FITP.

This data will be processed exclusively to:

  1. allow you to use our Website and its services, including the ability to access your personal area and purchase the Gift Card and/or the desired tickets or, where possible, obtain the requested reimbursement and improve the reimbursement request in case of difficulty. Some special data (such as data related to your health status) may be processed to enable us to ascertain the existence of the indispensable requirements for you to be able to access the services to the sports event "BNL Italy Major Premier Padel" provided in favor of the disabled. The legal basis on which this processing is based is (i) your express consent to the processing, (ii) the performance of a contract to which you are a party, and (iii) the fulfillment by FITP of legal obligations;
  2. to enable us to keep you up-to-date with FITP's activities and promotions, by sending - whether through traditional or fully automated contact systems, such as, for example, through the use of your e-mail address - advertising material and/or communications and information of a commercial and direct marketing nature about our services and products, related offers, discounts and any other promotional and loyalty initiatives adopted by us, as well as to enable us to send you our newsletter aimed at enabling you to benefit from the possibility of purchasing tickets on a pre-emptive basis over other users. The legal basis on which this processing is based is your express consent to the processing.

Your personal data may be processed through both computer tools and paper media.


The Data Controller plans to keep your personal data for a period of time no longer than it is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and processed. Therefore, personal navigation data and those acquired through the use of the Website will not be stored for longer than seven days.

Regarding the personal data processed to enable you to purchase Gift Cards and/or tickets or, where possible, to obtain the requested reimbursement, in compliance with current regulatory provisions, including accounting, the Data Controller will retain your personal data for a time not exceeding 10 years. Thereafter, we will provide for their deletion, or their permanent and non-reversible transformation into anonymous form.

Regarding the special data processed to enable you access the services to the sports event "BNL Italy Major Premier Padel" provided in favour of the disabled, in compliance with current regulatory provisions, including accounting, FITP will retain your personal data for a period not exceeding 10 years. Thereafter, we will provide for their deletion, or their permanent and non-reversible transformation into anonymous form.

Regarding the processing activities of your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing, in compliance with regulatory requirements and provided that they have been explicitly authorized by you, FITP has determined to provide for the automatic deletion of your personal data, or their permanent and non-reversible transformation into anonymous form, within 24 months of the registration of the data collected for marketing purposes.

With regard to all other personal data, since we cannot determine precisely their retention period, the Data Controller undertakes as of now to inspire the processing to the principles of adequacy, relevance and minimization of data, as required by the Regulations, checking annually the necessity of their retention. Therefore, once the purposes for which they were collected and processed have been achieved, we will remove them from our systems and records and/or take appropriate measures to anonymize them so that you cannot be identified.

This without prejudice to the case in which such data will be stored to comply with regulatory obligations, or to ascertain, exercise or defend our right in court.


The processed data are not disclosed to third parties. The following may, however, come to know your personal data, in relation to the abovementioned processing purposes:

  • individuals who may access the data pursuant to European Union law or Member State legislation to which the Data Controller is subject;
  • subjects performing, within the borders of the European Union, in complete autonomy, as separate Data Controllers, or as Data Processors appointed for this purpose by FITP, purposes auxiliary to those activities and services under para. 3, i.e. postal services and shipping and delivery agencies, companies offering advertising, marketing and communication services, companies offering IT support and consultation in charge of planning and implementing software and websites, law firms, companies offering services useful to analyze and develop personal data, (including those relative to interactions between users and our services) and elaborate and conduct market researches, service centers, companies or consultants in charge of provide further services to the Data Controller within the limits of the purpose for which data has been collected.

Furthermore, our employees may also become aware of your personal data, provided that they are previously designated as an individual acting under the authority of the Data Controller pursuant to art. 29 of the European Regulation or as System Administrators. Any communication of your personal data will take place in full compliance with the provisions of the law set by the European Regulation as well as technical and organizational measures put forth by the Data Controller to ensure an adequate level of security.

Any disclosure of your personal data will take place in full compliance with the legal provisions set forth in the Personal Data Protection Regulation and with the technical and organizational measures prepared by the Data Controller to ensure an adequate level of security.


The Data Controller intends to transfer your personal data to the United States for the provision of services on the Website. Such transfer is always subject to adequate safeguards as the Data Controller has ensured that the recipients are part of the Privacy Shield, which protects the fundamental rights of each data subject within the European Union whose personal data is transferred to the United States for commercial purposes.

For more information on the rules for transferring data to countries outside the European Union, including the mechanisms on which we rely, see the European Commission website here or the Privacy Shield website here.


The Data Controller does not intend to use automated decision-making processes, including the profiling referred to in Art. 22, paras. 1 and 4, of the European Regulation.


The provision of your personal data for the purposes set out in paragraph 3.A is mandatory, as your refusal to provide the personal data requested would make it impossible for FITP to allow you to use the Website, including the possibility of purchasing the Gift Card as well as tickets valid to attend the "BNL Italy Major Premier Padel" sports event. However, the provision of your particular data is optional, but failure to provide it, while not preventing in any way the use of the Website, would not allow us to let you take advantage of the access services to the sporting event "BNL Italy Major Premier Padel" provided in favor of the disabled, if requested by you.

The provision of your personal data for the purposes referred to in paragraph 3.B is optional, but failure to provide it, while not preventing in any way the use of the Web Site, may not allow us to make you take full advantage of the benefits we offer to our community through information of an advertising, commercial and direct marketing nature, to make you receive our newsletter, as well as to inform you about additional services, events and promotions that we aim to offer you..


Regarding the processing of your personal data pursuant to the European Regulation, as data subjects you are entitled to the following rights: i) revoke your consent to data processing at any time. However, it should be noted that revoking the consent will not undermine the legitimacy of any previous processing activity; ii) request to the Data Controller access to your personal data; iii) require to rectify or complete your personal data, by means of a declaration; iv) require to erase your personal data; v) obtain restriction of processing; vi) receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance; vii) object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to processing of personal data concerning you pursuant to point (e) or (f) of article 6, para 1, of the European Regulation including profiling based on those provisions; viii) not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you, unless the processing is based on your prior consent. By way of example, any form of automatic personal data processing aimed at analyzing or profiling consumer and purchasing preferences, economic capabilities, interests, reliability, and behavior; ix) lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, or relevant Judicial bodies if you deem that the processing of your personal data relating infringes the European Regulation. The complaint may be filed in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work, or place of alleged infringement.

To exercise your rights, you may contact the Data Controller, who is the legal representative. You can send a communication to the registered office at Stadio Olimpico – Curva Nord, Ingresso 44, Scala G – 00135 Roma (Itlay), or send an email at privacy@fitp.it or a certified electronic mail at dpo@pec.federtennis.it, providing you name, surname, address e request’s details.


Minors under fourteen (14) years of age are explicitly prohibited from using the services provided through the Website with the exception of the Gift Card purchase service, tickets and, where possible, the refund request service, to use which you must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. By signing up for the newsletter, you confirm that you have reached the age of 14. By purchasing Gift Cards, tickets or by making a refund request, where possible, you confirm that you have reached the age of 18.